T.L.C. Organic Lawn Care offers a safe solution for children, pets, and the environment, providing an alternative to chemical pesticides.

With our organic approach, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that there's no need to keep kids or pets off the lawn, worry about chemical residue being tracked indoors, or contribute to water pollution. Extensive research revealed the harmful effects of chemically treated lawns on both health and the environment. That's why we exclusively utilize 100% natural organic materials that promote lawn health and overall well-being. For a safer, healthier lawn that's beneficial for everyone, choose T.L.C. Organic Lawn Care.

Why Organic?

Organic fertilizers offer numerous benefits over synthetic alternatives:

  1. Natural Nutrient Release: Derived from compost, manure, or seaweed, organic fertilizers release nutrients slowly, mimicking natural processes and reducing runoff.

  2. Soil Health: They enhance soil structure and fertility, promoting beneficial microbial activity and improving water retention.

  3. Sustainability: Produced sustainably, organic fertilizers reduce reliance on synthetic chemicals, preserving water quality and biodiversity.

  4. Reduced Chemical Exposure: Free from synthetic additives, organic fertilizers minimize exposure to harmful substances for farmers, gardeners, and consumers.

  5. Long-Term Benefits: While slower to show results, organic fertilizers provide lasting benefits to soil health and plant vitality, fostering sustainable ecosystems over time.

We serve all of Monroe County, including Victor and Canandaigua*!
Contact us today for a free estimate!